Ollie Dee and Stanley Dum try to borrow money from their employer, the toymaker, to pay off the mortOllie Dee and Stanley Dum try to borrow money from their employer, the toymaker, to pay off the mortgage on Mother Peep's shoe and keep it and Little Bo Peep from the clutches of the evil Barnaby. When that fails, they trick Barnaby into marrying Stanley Dum instead of Bo Peep. Enraged, Barnaby unleashes the bogeymen from their caverns to destroy Toyland《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》于1934年美国上映,由查利·罗杰斯,Gus,Meins导演,斯坦·劳莱,奥列佛·哈台等主演的一部喜剧片!酷客影院提供《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》免费在线观看,《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》完整未删减版在线观看!酷客影院所有迅雷下载资源以及在线观看资源由云端程序自动抓取,如果你喜欢《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》最新一期,欢迎分《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》给你的好友,本片只做交流学习,请勿用于商业利益行为,请支持《老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲》正版影片!请下载观看后24小时内删除,感谢支持!老瑞和哈迪之小兵进行曲免费在线观看全集完整版详情